Lunar New Year
Lunar New Year

Cover for the New Yorker 2024

Riso printed in aqua, scarlet, yellow and black

Illustration for New York Times Magazine
Illustration for New York Times Magazine
My First Year at RISD
My First Year at RISD

Poster for RISD’s accepted students 2024

Nailing it by Rachel Syme
Nailing it by Rachel Syme
Fresh Gear
Fresh Gear

Cover for the New Yorker, 2023

Riso printed in Aqua, Black, Yellow and Fluorescent Pink

magicalgirltransformation_april copy.png
Manhattan's Super-Jail is Already Swallowing Chinatown
Manhattan's Super-Jail is Already Swallowing Chinatown
Illustrations and story for Grub Street from New York Magazine about my Lunar New Year dinner 2021
Illustrations and story for Grub Street from New York Magazine about my Lunar New Year dinner 2021
Cover for Gladiolus Magazine
Cover for Gladiolus Magazine
SarulaBao_CBHALLOWEEN copy.jpg
"In Solidarity" for Google Pixel AAPI Month
"In Solidarity" for Google Pixel AAPI Month
"In Community" for Google Pixel AAPI Month
"In Community" for Google Pixel AAPI Month
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室

For a story on a family’s determination to play Mahjong everywhere they go.

Lunar New Year for Sinostories
Lunar New Year for Sinostories
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室

For a story about being able to hear the sounds of people playing Mahjong when flying above Chengdu.

For Facebook's 'Redefine the Role' during AAPI month.
For Facebook's 'Redefine the Role' during AAPI month.
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室

Illustration depicting the Heavenly Hand Set.

 Illustration Series for W.O.W. Project’s 4 Year Anniversary

Illustration Series for W.O.W. Project’s 4 Year Anniversary

Donation print for Soup Canvas
Donation print for Soup Canvas

Suan La Fen, all proceeds of this print go to City Harvest NYC

Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室

A depiction of the origin of the Wan Zi piece.

Illustration for Adi Magazine
Illustration for Adi Magazine
 Illustration Series for W.O.W. Project’s 4 Year Anniversary

Illustration Series for W.O.W. Project’s 4 Year Anniversary

Forgetting the Time
Forgetting the Time

For Good Good Eatz’s Good Good Memoreez project, illustrating fond memories of Chinatown to feed Chinatown communities and support local businesses.

 Illustration Series for W.O.W. Project’s 4 Year Anniversary

Illustration Series for W.O.W. Project’s 4 Year Anniversary

Illustration for AirBNB
Illustration for AirBNB

“The Kit“

Illustration for Guernica
Illustration for Guernica
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室

A depiction of the origins of the Tiao Zi Mahjong piece.

Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室

A depiction of the origin of the Tong Zi Mahjong piece.

Untitled_Artwork copy.png
Untitled_Artwork 1.png
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室

A depiction of the origins of the Zhong, Fa, and Bai Mahjong pieces.

Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室

A depiction of the origins of the four directional winds Mahjong pieces.

Illustration for Document Journal
Illustration for Document Journal
Illustration for Adi Magazine
Illustration for Adi Magazine
llustration for Adi Magazine
llustration for Adi Magazine
Illustration for Project AHEAD
Illustration for Project AHEAD

Caregiver Burnout in Asian Families

Illustration for Leslie queer event series
Illustration for Leslie queer event series
Illustration for my artist talk at Wing on Wo and Co.
Illustration for my artist talk at Wing on Wo and Co.
Lunar New Year
Illustration for New York Times Magazine
My First Year at RISD
Nailing it by Rachel Syme
Fresh Gear
"In Solidarity" for The New Yorker
magicalgirltransformation_april copy.png
Globetrotters for The Met Family Benefit
Manhattan's Super-Jail is Already Swallowing Chinatown
Illustrations and story for Grub Street from New York Magazine about my Lunar New Year dinner 2021
Cover for Gladiolus Magazine
SarulaBao_CBHALLOWEEN copy.jpg
"In Solidarity" for Google Pixel AAPI Month
"In Community" for Google Pixel AAPI Month
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室
Illustration for Bon Appétit
Lunar New Year for Sinostories
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室
For Facebook's 'Redefine the Role' during AAPI month.
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室
 Illustration Series for W.O.W. Project’s 4 Year Anniversary
Illustration for Munchies by Vice
San Shui Mug
Donation print for Soup Canvas
Illustration for Buzzfeed News
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室
Illustration for Adi Magazine
 Illustration Series for W.O.W. Project’s 4 Year Anniversary
Forgetting the Time
 Illustration Series for W.O.W. Project’s 4 Year Anniversary
Illustration for AirBNB
Illustration for Guernica
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室
Untitled_Artwork copy.png
Untitled_Artwork 1.png
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室
Illustration for Document Journal
Illustration for Adi Magazine
llustration for Adi Magazine
Illustration for Document Journal
Illustration for Project AHEAD
Illustration for Leslie queer event series
Illustration for my artist talk at Wing on Wo and Co.
Lunar New Year

Cover for the New Yorker 2024

Riso printed in aqua, scarlet, yellow and black

Illustration for New York Times Magazine
My First Year at RISD

Poster for RISD’s accepted students 2024

Nailing it by Rachel Syme
Fresh Gear

Cover for the New Yorker, 2023

Riso printed in Aqua, Black, Yellow and Fluorescent Pink

Manhattan's Super-Jail is Already Swallowing Chinatown
Illustrations and story for Grub Street from New York Magazine about my Lunar New Year dinner 2021
Cover for Gladiolus Magazine
"In Solidarity" for Google Pixel AAPI Month
"In Community" for Google Pixel AAPI Month
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室

For a story on a family’s determination to play Mahjong everywhere they go.

Lunar New Year for Sinostories
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室

For a story about being able to hear the sounds of people playing Mahjong when flying above Chengdu.

For Facebook's 'Redefine the Role' during AAPI month.
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室

Illustration depicting the Heavenly Hand Set.

Illustration Series for W.O.W. Project’s 4 Year Anniversary

Donation print for Soup Canvas

Suan La Fen, all proceeds of this print go to City Harvest NYC

Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室

A depiction of the origin of the Wan Zi piece.

Illustration for Adi Magazine

Illustration Series for W.O.W. Project’s 4 Year Anniversary

Forgetting the Time

For Good Good Eatz’s Good Good Memoreez project, illustrating fond memories of Chinatown to feed Chinatown communities and support local businesses.

Illustration Series for W.O.W. Project’s 4 Year Anniversary

Illustration for AirBNB

“The Kit“

Illustration for Guernica
Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室

A depiction of the origins of the Tiao Zi Mahjong piece.

Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室

A depiction of the origin of the Tong Zi Mahjong piece.

Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室

A depiction of the origins of the Zhong, Fa, and Bai Mahjong pieces.

Illustration for Chinese company, Funlab/有得玩實驗室

A depiction of the origins of the four directional winds Mahjong pieces.

Illustration for Document Journal
Illustration for Adi Magazine
llustration for Adi Magazine
Illustration for Project AHEAD

Caregiver Burnout in Asian Families

Illustration for Leslie queer event series
Illustration for my artist talk at Wing on Wo and Co.
show thumbnails